Dr. William Holder Physician Acupuncture
Wt.Loss Chronic Fatigue
As Medical Director in addition to offering high quality functional medical care at reasonable rates it is within his scope of practice to offer a way to lower your medical cost by reimbursement thru most insurance plan that allow fee for service virtual health and coaching sessions are also available
Dr's service is founded on the premise that the most effective approach to health care integrates the best of Traditional Modern Medicine, Natural Alternative Medicine, Patient Education, to improve your body's innate healing potential and reduce the dependence on medication where possible.
The Center for Preventive Medicine offers a full range of healing methods aimed at restoring natural balance and wholeness as well as health education classes and workshops.
Dr. Holder is available to work with medical and natural medicine for assistance with concerns of Long Covid, Fatigue, Chronic Inflammation, Nutrional Medicine, Aging Well Technologies. Along with those who need Medical and Sports Massage. For massage clients Dr, Holder will be able to give prescriptions for your massage visit along with working with your insurance company.
Telehealth Appointments available. Monday or Tuesday 1130-1p Wednesday, Thursday 12-1:30p in areas for youth, adolescents.
adults having Medicine, longevity, sports training concerns including:
Nutrition & Weight Loss
Vitamin Therapy
Chronic inflammation
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol
Headache, Arthritis Pain Management
Menopause & PMS
Food/Pollen Allergy
Schedule Appointment: today if you feel blending science with historically proven natural elements may complement medical concern. onehealth.renewed@gmail.com Billing: cpm.frontdesk@gmail.com
Phone: 919-439-9725